Richy 2020 company limited was founded on February 4th 2020. Which later on change name to Richy trimming 789 company limited
RT789 as supplier of Bio-Mas wood pallet for industrial energy and cross border diesel and petrol supply to neighborhood countries which was stopped by COVID-19 pandemic. Presently we commenced business in the sales and service of new high performance technology equipment in Thailand and in the wider ASEAN.
Some of Richy trimming 789 company limited prominent customers include Private Farms and Governmental Farms like universities who grow Cannabis and Hemp for medical use and Food & Drinks Manufacturing Industries.
We are committed to developing the hemp and cannabis industry in Thailand by raising the production level to meet international standards and acceptance.
New harvesting technology for Hamp and Cannabis flower with quality assurance.
Increasing efficiency and quality of Hemp and Cannabis flower for Medical Grade, development & optimization yield.
Most of farms have to increase their productive amount to supply higher demand and ease handling without any human error